Saturday, May 5, 2012


Let's begin with a discussion which is central to existence- Power.

There are several ways in which to understand such a broad and expansive term. There is power as in super-normal abilities, a power which creates an individual into a superman, according to Nietzsche. There's the type of power people hold over other individuals- such as a professor's power over a student. There is the type of power which creates and crafts these dynamics, these structures, these abnormalities- Knowledge.

Yet, what is the extent to this? To any of these? What does Nietzsche mean, for example, when he declares an individual is able, and individuals have, become super-humans? It is this type of power I shall deem Abnormal Knowledge. What kind of power relations do students have with teachers, professors, police officers, government agencies, and other institutionalized (or mass) forms of knowledge? It is this type of power I shall deem Relative Power. What kind of insights are we able to devise, understand, and attain in order to create power in a type of snowball affect gaining momentum with each additional thought? It is this power I shall refer to as Knowledge.

By self-study, one attains abnormal knowledge.By group study, one attains relative power. By thinking on one's own, one develops knowledge. 

Abnormal Knowledge is the type of knowledge only few attain- a power someone gains which is rare, which diverges from the typical appropriation of power and intellect. The majority understands the power difference between a trash man, a police officer, a uniformed soldier, and a homeless man. However, these structural binaries are more relative than we realize. Even understanding the relativity of such power dynamics is a type of abnormal knowledge- for does the homeless man not have more power than any of us realize? Which types of power? Here, the majority of readers begin to question their own understanding and perception of power dynamics, of who holds what power over who and for what reasons. Your entire reality is challenged in this single sentence, if on thinks about it. This is your introduction to Abnormal Knowledge. The more you find, the more you gain; the more you gain, the more you become. However, this is only one example of this type of power, it is the lead up into Relative Power, and to understand relative power, you must first attain this intro to Abnormal Power. 

Dear reader, you have just learned Relativity.

Shall I explain it in greater detail, or allow the concept to develop in your mind? Let's let you ponder this. Does a bum hold more Power than I've realized? Religiously, for example? With respect to survival skills, to take it a different direction? Or what about with ways of perceiving reality? 

Just to show you a counter- a homeless man, a wanderer, owns nothing, has nothing, and needs nothing. They (he or she) wish only to be connected to God. They are the holiest of holy people. They do not hide in their houses, they do not falsely worship money, they do not watch 12 hours of television a week, staring at a screen like a false prophet. They travel around, speaking their messages directly from the form, the omnipotent, that which some call God.. They are the modern Friar, the modern Pardoner, on their holy and ever-lasting pilgrimage. Oh, the beauty of this paradox. I explain to you how a bum holds power, and now a significant proportion of their power comes from your understanding of it. Back and forth, a reality which is capable of flowing both ways. This is Relativity. 

The homeless man is powerless.
The homeless man is a paragon of Power.

Both equally true, both equally untrue. 

Does this inspire you to become homeless? Doubtful. Perhaps this is why they are given religious Power, a type of Abnormal Power which the majority of us do not quite understand. We would not, they will.

Abnormal Power comes from Abnormal Knowledge, both being limitless, expanding into imaginative and creative genius.

Have you found there are several groups of people who communicate telepathically? And if so, does this not mean we might speak to other species, as a result? Several authors have written of this, even auto-biographical accounts have been written explaining such a communicative possibility. Entire religions are based around this premise. You are limited by belief, and belief alone. Australian Aborigines, for example, have invited those to travel the desert with them, communicating almost solely from telepathic thought. This could be scientifically justified. Thoughts being things (the paramount theory to quantum physics), in fact, little particles known as quaints, are continually released from your mind. If your mind  realizes it might grab these particles from others, allowing them to electronically surge, one could easily read another's mind or speak to them through thoughts.

When you speak to another, for example, now I'm speaking verbally and not textually (although the point is the very same phenomenon occurs textually), have you never said a word you wouldn't normally have said? Have you not heard your partner say something which sounded like it was from you and not from them? Not to mention, when you are speaking for minutes and minutes and minutes, with a few people looking at you, do you think you're the one who thinks every single word through? Your mind covers the topics, the main areas, the figurative grammer, yet who creates the smoothness? It comes as a result of our quaints interacting.

Knowledge is power.

When another is speaking, what would occur if you repeated a word from Latin over and over and over, at different paces? What would happen if you found an iambic and rhythmic phrase and tapped your foot repeatedly while they were speaking? Or if you silent your mind, listening, hovering, and suddenly repeat each of their words backwards to trip them up, to cause their mind to revert for a moment, making their train of thought interrupted, effecting their physical speech? Would your thoughts affect their own?

Knowledge is power.


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